Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Class Reunion Information

No Plans are in the works for out 55th Reunion.

Monday, September 15, 2008


Post any comment you desire here.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Class of 60 Website

Our website, as well as the MeridianHighAlumni website, has been taken down for the time being. Attempts are being made to recover the files and repost on another server.

I will keep this blogspot going as it will give you a spot to post anything you desire. I hope you find this blog spot to be useful and interesting. It will become as active as you want it to be, through your posting or comments.

Because unwanted persons are attempting to post comments, I have elected to review each comment before it came be posted on this blogspot.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Class Information

The class of 1958 also has a blogspot. Their URL is; http://meridianhighwildcats58.blogspot.com/ . As you will see, they have a very active blog site. There is a website for the class of 59. Their URL is; http://elfrito.netfirms.com/mhs .

Now let's start blogging about any and everything. What did I do yesterday? Cut grass. What did I do today? Cut grass. What will I do tomorrow? Cut grass